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inherent bias meaning in Hindi

inherent bias sentence in Hindi

अंतर्निष्‍ठ अभिनति
inherent    अंतनिहित
bias    पक्षपात भाव
1.He proposes to her in the episode " Inherent Bias ".

2.So, trying to fix its inherent bias is now white washing?

3.The previous answers are obvious examples of inherent bias.

4.:: Some of our policies lead to an inherent bias against experts.

5.I agree that the title carries an inherent bias.

6.Is there an inherent bias in including a community of people in your news?

7.Gyarmati sees no inherent bias against female trainers.

8.Critics of selectivity systems decry their inherent biases.

9.Both Haughey and Curley exploited the inherent bias against rich people in their own constituencies.

10.:This process seems to be showing an inherent bias in administrators supporting their own.

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How to say inherent bias in Hindi and what is the meaning of inherent bias in Hindi? inherent bias Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.